by Tom Drake | Finance, Insurance, Personal Finance
This is a sponsored post that contains affiliate links. Making positive financial changes is an important part of staying on top of your situation and ensuring that you don’t run out of money before you run out of month. This year has been a great year for...
by Miranda | Finance, Personal Finance
We hear all the time that we need to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. And it’s true. Chances are that you are keeping up with the Joneses debt, rather than keeping up with them in any other way. You can also experience a great deal of peace of mind once you...
by Miranda | Finance, Personal Finance
One of the more interesting developments in recent months was the announcement by the Federal Communications Commission that it will reclassify the Internet as a public utility. Champions of Net Neutrality celebrated the idea that the FCC reclassification is expected...
by Miranda | Family Finance, Finance, Personal Finance
I’m not known for penny-pinching. However, in the last couple of years, I’ve seen the value in looking for ways to save money — as long as they don’t take up a lot of my time and energy. If I can go to a site and quickly see if I can save money...
by Miranda | Finance, Personal Finance
Since Christmas has passed, my husband and I have been on something of a spending diet. It hasn’t been a conscious decision; we’ve just been a little too busy to worry about buying things, and, besides, it seems a lot like overkill to go out and spend...
by Miranda | Finance, Personal Finance
Growing up, we didn’t talk much about money. My parents talked about the importance of saving and of the importance of tithing, but we didn’t really talk about my parents’ financial situation, or talk much about what other people made. Talking about...