Advertise with one of the fastest growing personal finance destinations on the web.
With Financial Highway, you will be able to reach a highly coveted young and affluent demographic who are interested in products and services you offer. Our visitors are mostly organic and highly targeted.
You can advertise in the following standard IAB formats:
- 728×90 Banner – Premium placement leaderboard on all pages and forums
- 300×250 Banner – 2 spots on the top of the sidebar on all pages, highly prominent
- 160×600 Wide Skyscraper – 1 spot on the sidebar 2 scrolls down next to when an article typically ends and visitors are looking to click out
You also have the option to target the audience based on geo, url and other attributes and set display frequencies
To setup, manage and track your ad account just go to Financial Highway Ads page. Need help or have questions, just drop us a line