by Martin Dasko | Credit Cards and Deals
Are you looking for a new credit card? If you’re in the market for a new piece of plastic, you’re likely debating what you should be looking into. A few common questions usually arise: What are the best credit cards? What should I expect from a credit...
by Martin Dasko | Investing
What do you think it would take for you to save a million dollars? Do you even think it’s possible? This CNN article goes into detail on saving your way to a million dollars. The following line really caught my eye: “Take your savings rate. Conventional...
by Martin Dasko | College Life and Education
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” ― Benjamin Franklin Are you on the job hunt yet? Have you been looking around to see if there are any job postings?...
by Martin Dasko | Budgets and Bills
This week we’re going to take a different look at paying off student loans. Let’s look at the extent some folks will go through to pay off their loans early. According to CNN Money, this guy risked his life to pay off his loans. The article goes on to...
by Martin Dasko | Budgets and Bills
Would you like free tuition? Would you like to increase your income? You likely answered yes. Let’s dig a little deeper. What would you give up for this free tuition? Lawmakers in Oregon are looking into something new, according to this Yahoo News article. They...
by Martin Dasko | College Life and Education
“This site is awesome for meeting chicks.” — a friend circa 2007 regarding Facebook. I wasn’t sure what to make of Facebook 6 years ago when I first heard about it. I eventually joined. I go on and off. I’m not too huge on it. I know that...