Clutter in our lives makes us disorganized and can even be hazardous to our health. Having too much clutter can even cost us money since we aren’t aware of what we have and double buy. On the plus side, clearing out your clutter not only makes things cleaner and your living space less stressful, but it can make you extra cash. Here’s how:
Clothes and Accessories
While preparing to sell clothes, shoes, and other accessories, divide them into piles including more expensive or brand name clothing, normal and damaged. Any damaged clothes, you can donate or throw away. For more expensive clothing and specific attire, such as prom dresses or a wedding dress, you can take them to an upscale consignment shop. For other clothing, there are places like Plato’s Closet and other second hand shops that accept more everyday pieces. If you don’t have luck at the stores, you can also list your items on eBay or on Craigslist. Anything leftover, have a garage sale or yard sale.
Seller’s Tip: Be sure clothes are clean and presentable when selling. Get rid of access lint, and remove any wrinkles. If you’re taking photos or selling at a garage sale, put clothes on hangers so they can easily be seen and look better.
With more expensive jewelry, there are a few options. First, visit a reputable jewelry store that buys gold or other jewelry. You can get a quote before selling so you always have the option of pricing a few places. I had a few gold chains that I don’t wear anymore, and I was able to make more than $100 selling it. Second, you can list your jewelry on eBay. Lastly, many consignment shops that buy upscale clothes will also purchase jewelry as well.
Seller’s Tip: If you have any original receipts or the boxes they came with, bring them along so the jeweler can realize how much they’re worth.
Books, DVDs, and Video Games
I always hated spending so much money on overpriced textbooks in college until I realized I can easily resell them to get my money back. You can list both textbooks and regular books on eBay or Amazon or just use for textbooks. If you don’t want to deal with having to ship the books, find a store that buys used books, such as Half Price Books. For DVDs and video games, just like books, you can either list them online or take them to a store that buys them used. A quick online search will show stores in your area that buy them.
Seller’s Tip: Anytime you buy textbooks, avoid highlighting or taking notes within the book. This will decrease the value once it’s time to sell it back. Hang onto any CDs that came with the book that make it a necessity while selling it.
Cell phones, Macbooks, Mac computers, and iPods can be sold online through send in your item, they’ll send you a check, Amazon gift card, or Paypal payment for what your product is worth. Another good place to list these things is eBay. [Also See: Trade Your Old Electronics For Cash]
Seller’s Tip: There are many sites that say you can sell back your electronics to them, but be sure to go with one that is accredited and reputable.
More on Making Money
Just like clothes, there are consignment shops for more high end furniture. You can easily list your furniture and other household items on Craigslist. Since furniture is difficult to ship, using any community newspaper, news board, or a local website is a good way to get the word out about your furniture or appliances. Even if you post on your Facebook page, you’d be surprised how friends and family might be interested in your item. Anytime I have a yard sale, furniture is the first item to go.
Seller’s Tip: If you’re listing your furniture online, be specific. Give the exact measurements, the material, and anything else you would want to know about a piece of furniture you were buying. Take multiple photos to go along with any posting.
Adam Backer’s “Sell Your Crap” can help you become a pro at this. It’s a great guide that can help you sell your unwanted things online. It includes 4 ebooks and shows you how to sell your stuff on top online websites such as eBay, Craigslist and Amazon.
How can you make money by getting rid of clutter?
Kristen Kuchar is a freelance writer and editor who has learned how to save money without giving up a passion for travel, food, and living a fun life. She has written about personal finance for several years and graduated with a degree in Journalism. Follow her on Twitter @KristenKuchar.