Owning car is more than just car payments, repairs, and gas. For many people having car insurance can be a financial burden if they have the wrong policy. It doesn’t have to be that way though. If you’re willing to hustle, you can save quite a bit of money with your car insurance. I’ll show you how.

porche car insurance

Review Your Car Insurance Policy

First thing is first, before you consider getting a new insurance policy, you need to look at you old policy. Be familiar with the kind of coverage you have now and how much you’re paying for it.

The next step is seeing if you can get a better offer from your current car insurance company. Make your insurance agent work for you, talk to them about deals you can get. Ask about:

  • Student discounts: Some companies will cut the rate of you have a certain GPA.
  • Professional/Membership discount: Are you a member of AAA or Costco? You may qualify for lower premiums.
  • Employer discounts: Check with your Human Resources contact person to see if your job has a deal with a specific company to get you lower premiums.

By being familiar with your current coverage and costs, you can make an apples to apples comparison.

Be a Better Driver and Reap the Benefits

Don’t just rely on others to get you a better deal.  Did you know one of the best way to cut down on your car insurance premiums is by becoming a model driver?

  • Keep your driving record clean. Keep your foot of the acceleration pedal and avoid blemishing your driving record with tickets.
  • Take notes during driving class. Defensive driving can decrease your chances of getting into an accident, which in turn means your car insurance company can save a bit themselves. Sign up for class and get another discount.
  • Drive less. If you can carpool or use public transportation even a little bit more, you can save some cash. When my commute changed and decreased, my insurance company lowered the premiums by a bit.
  • Safe cars can save you big time. What kind of car you drive does matter to your car insurance company. Check with your agent and make sure that they know all the safety features it has. You can shave off some of your costs.

An added benefit to being a conscious and better driver is saving money at the gas pump.That’ll help keep money in your wallet so you can reach other financial goals.

Making Sure You Have the Right Insurance

Getting the right insurance may be a bit time consuming upfront (especially when you to compare auto insurance rates!), but it’s well worth the effort down the road. If you’re getting your insurance needs squared away, here are some posts on GPT to help you out:

Photo Credit:  UggBoy♥UggGirl


Laura Martinez

Laura Martinez