Financial Success Starts With Saving

For many of us, saving money is easier said than done. Even when we start making more money, we often still find ourselves broke and in debt. Why? Interestingly, studies have shown that being in debt actually has little to do with our paycheck and more to do with our...

Is it Tax Time Already?

by Andi B. While most people were out having a good time on New Year’s weekend, I was doing something far different. I did….my taxes. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Since I have self-employment income, I pay estimated taxes and to be as accurate as...

Fresh for the Year

So after being down for a bit, I’m happy to start the year. The Yakezie roundup will be back on Mondays, but we’d like to find out if there’s anything you’d like to see more of during this new year. Is there something you have a hard time...