Post Holiday Financial Check Up

Well we made it through yet another holiday season.  All the shopping, wrapping, cooking, and traveling made the whole holiday feel like an exhausting marathon.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed every minute of it (well maybe not the minutes I...

Money Saving New Year’s Resolutions

As another year nears its end, now is the time for us to reflect back on everything we accomplished over the last twelve months and plan our goals for the coming year.   The most common resolutions are made by people looking to improve their health by losing weight or...

Four Ways You’re Wasting Money

Do you ever sit and wonder where the heck all your money is going?  We all have spending leaks that slowly eat away at our finances.  And much like a drippy faucet that slowly leaks water, even a small spending leak can add up to big money over time.  Here are a few...

Breaking the Gift Giving Cycle

With the holiday season upon us, the malls are packed with eager shoppers looking to stuff their loved one’s stockings with all sorts of gifts.  It certainly can be rewarding to watch the looks on their faces when they open the gifts you gave them to find exactly what...

Spending Wisely

Too many personal finance bloggers are just too extreme in the advice they give their readers.  They expect you to either live like a monk who never spends a dime or haggle over each and every purchase you make because “a penny saved is a penny earned.” That kind of...