Budgeting: Managing Money

  It’s very easy to talk about ‘budgeting’ or to tell someone to ‘budget’ various finances into consideration, but what does it exactly involve? Saving money is, at the best of times, easier said than done. Here are a number of tips and...

Disneyland Paris Tickets through GoSeeDo

Tired of spending your birthday at the movies with friends? Or, having dinner with your parents? Why not try something new, something magical? There are so many exciting attractions for both your family and friends to enjoy! Make sure to plan ahead when purchasing...

The Mobile World And Money

So the other day I was hiking around town when I got a mobile alert about my bank balance being low. I was out, busy, but it was easy to keep on top of my money situation even if this was bad news. The world has gone mobile in a good way. We can keep up with friends...

An intro to annuities

If you’ve ever looked at the financial products offered through your work or your insurance company, no doubt you’ve encountered the term annuity. You probably, much like myself, wondered what in the world an annuity was and why your insurance company was...