Savings accounts around the world

Savings accounts are useful. They are usually offered by retail banks. Savings accounts allow depositors – that’s you and me – to deposit a regular amount of money into them and earn a return on the accrued balances, based on a rate of interest. According to the...

How much money can you save?

Savings seems to be a word that needs to be turned on its head. The financial services industry wants to give us plenty of reasons to save with them but their track record especially during the credit crunch showed that some financial services companies cannot...

What Kind of Brokerage Do You Need?

If you are thinking about getting started investing, there are a lot of options to choose from.  Depending on your needs as an investor, you should choose the right type of brokerage for you.  Your choice will have an impact on both the services you get as an...

How to Start Trading Forex

If you’ve spent any time researching the stock market or trading stocks, you’ve no doubt heard about Forex trading.  Forex is the trading of currencies in the global currency market, and you do it through pairs of global currencies.  However, trading Forex is also one...