MT Tips: Put a Bucket By The Shower

Put a What? By the Where?This tip is actually essential since I live in the desert. We’re on water rationing throughout the summer and can only water our plants on certain days, during the time when they need it most! Since we’re on a drip system...

MT Ethics: Coupon Honesty

On Sunday night, Mr. MT walked in the bedroom door and said, “I have to go to the store. We’re out of laundry detergent.” So then I tried to think of the last time I went to the store…and I couldn’t. And the cupboards were bare, stripped...

Mr. MT is a genius!

So the other day I stubbed my baby toe, and it hurt so bad. Mr. MT went to the refrigerator and came back with something in his hand. He wrapped a cold packet of taco sauce around my baby toe! Normally I get so cold from ice packs, this was perfect because it put the...

Am I Becoming A Tightwad Survivalist?

My recent foray into alternative fabric softener left me feeling introspective. Am I a survivalist at heart? Is my hair conditioner fabric softener my first step into a world of rugged cabins, no trespassing signs, and a strong desire to make a blanket from animal...

MacGyver Monday: Fabric Softener

It was one of those ironic moments. My aunt had called our house asking what we used for fabric softener. In the past we’ve used Seventh Generation’s Blue Eucalyptus and Lavender, even though it can be a little expensive. I just can’t handle the...

MT Tips: Live Like it’s 1939, oops edition

As mentioned in the previous post, I learned a lot from what my great-grandparents did right during World War II. I also learned a lot from the mistakes (as I see them) that they made.#1: Don’t wait to be generous.When I was younger I knew my great-grandparents...