MT Tips: Top Ten Garage Sale Rules

So in an effort to de-clutter (and because we have no desire to schlep all our stuff to Oregon), we had a garage sale. Garage sales, yard sales, moving sales are all things I’ve been heavily involved in. In fact, my first entrepreneurial activity was at a family...

MT Tips: Do With As Little As You Can

Mr. Modern Tightwad and I have an apartment! The most stressful part of our move is now behind us. It was also an interesting adventure in budgeting and choices.Our maximum budget for an apartment in Portland, Oregon was $600/month. As always, our goal was still to...

MT Tips: Have a Candle Night

The best thing that happened to me this year was Earth Hour. Not only were the Vegas skies dimmed enough that I could see stars, I rediscovered my love of candles.Sometimes I think that my life is driven by electricity, that the lights, TV, and the laptop I’m...

MT Tips: Shop Smart, Shop Safe

Even though I just finished sorting through eight years worth of paperwork (oh, how I wish I was joking) I thought I’d take a moment to share my fabulous find.As previously mentioned, Mr. MT and I have been writing lists to keep us progressing on our move as...

MT Tips: Diversify Your Shopping

Target killed my Costco. At least it whooped the feminine hygiene section.I’ve always been the sort that shops at only one or two stores. Growing up supporting neighborhood markets, I still have the tendency to blind loyalty, something I don’t think...

MT Tip: Have A Monthly Spending Plan, Or 3!

Abby at I Pick Up Pennies recently made her first b-word. No, not that word! A budget. Well, maybe it is the same b-word. It truly is the “four-letter word” of personal finance, something everyone knows that they need to have, but no one wants to do.First...