The best thing that happened to me this year was Earth Hour. Not only were the Vegas skies dimmed enough that I could see stars, I rediscovered my love of candles.

Sometimes I think that my life is driven by electricity, that the lights, TV, and the laptop I’m currently typing on, serve only to keep me from a good night’s sleep.

That is, of course, a gross oversimplification. I do need my laptop, to run this blog for instance. I’m not really interested in schlepping wood around to cook over open fire (unless by choice, that is). I also have a severely unhealthy addiction to the Food Network and Ninja Warrior. (Do I here a woot for G4tv?)

But sitting in those candles for just a little while, I honestly felt my batteries recharge a bit. I remember on dark and stormy nights, we’d light hurricane lanterns and play board games. What’s wrong with starting a new family tradition? During the summer it stays lighter longer anyway.

Not quite up for a candle-powered family game night? What about:

  • Hide-and-go seek in your own house. It’s amazing how much everything changes when the lights go out.
  • A little wine, a little music, a little candles, and the kids at grandma’s house.
  • A good book, a cup of tea, some candles, and a hot bath.
  • A fire pit, marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and sticky hands.
  • Lighting some torches outside and having a bbq with friends.

On a completely separate note, you should make sure you have ample non-electric lighting available in case of a blackout or other emergency. We keep candles and hurricane lanterns.

A candle night added to the family routine can add a little romance to your life, can make social gatherings more fun, can help prepare your family for an emergency, and it saves your precious pennies.

And it’s just darn cool, too!

Photo courtesy of tammyjq41

Andi B.

Andi B.