My Financial Past Became Literally Painful

In an effort to consolidate and condense for moving, I refiled previous years documents into my current filing system. Excellent for simplification, but also a trip down memory lane that I don’t think I was emotionally ready to take. I got to revisit overdraft...

4%, huh?

So I recently received letters regarding a change in policy on three of our credit cards. It wasn’t an interest rate adjustment. I’m guessing BofA has figured out that since I only hold balance transfers that doesn’t do them much good, so they are...

Turning Lemonade into Lemons And Back Again

I apologize for my absenteeism over the past few days, and I know I phoned in the past couple posts, but quite frankly I’ve been completely overwhelmed. Mr. MT and I took a recent trip to Portland, OR to visit family and friends. While there, Mr. MT went to a...

Toot Your Own Horn #1

Well, folks, I told you it was coming, and now, here it is……… it’s time to toot our own horns. No one else is going to do it for us.While I didn’t pay off quite as much as I hoped (I transferred a couple balances to a 0% credit card and...

Meals by the Month

The only place I find displeasure in my budget is in the food section. Sixteen percent of our monthly expenses goes to food ($300), and that’s just what I budget. I know that when I get tired and we eat out it gets, ahem, adjusted. So I’m trying something...