TRUTH in Lending

When my husband and I bought our new house, one of the plethora of documents we had to review and sign was the Truth in Lending statement from our mortgage company. The document basically ensures that you – the borrower – know exactly what you’re...

Selling Our House… In Hindsight

It’s the nagging doubt that’s plagued me ever since we signed our names on the dotted line and said goodbye to our first home: was selling our house a good deal? After all, even though we’d lived in the home for seven years and put on an addition, we...

Turning part of your home into an office

So, you have decided to turn part of your home into a working office. Maybe you have an existing business and realise that cost-savings can be made from working from home. Or maybe you are starting up from scratch? Either way, there are considerations. Funding an...

Budgeting for online gambling

Gambling can be addictive, and can have a negative impact on your finances. There, we’ve got the negative out of the way, and can move on with the positive – how to budget for online gambling so that you can have a good time and not go broke. Online gaming should be...