Our 2013 Tax Rate

Last year, for the first time since getting married, my husband and I entered a new tax bracket for our federal taxes. We were interested to see what this would do to our effective tax rate, which in previous years had been in the single digits. Of course, 2013 was...

Workplace Lessons in 365 Days

This week, I celebrated my first “work-a-versary” at my new job; although, I guess that I’ve been with my job for a full 12 months now, it’s not all that “new” anymore. When I chose to return to the workforce after several years as...

Eating Healthy: My Grocery Shopping Reboot

There was a time in the not too distant past when I did all my grocery shopping at Walmart. The reasons were twofold: first, Walmart was the closest grocery store to my house, so convenience played a big role; second, saving money was my main motivator, and no other...