What is Behind Your Motivation?

I have to admit that I’ve been lagging behind on the posting lately. I must say that it is partly due to writer’s block, but also due a few site changes that I’ve been planning as well. Excuses aside, I need to work on writing ahead instead of...

Finding Lost Money

Do you like finding money? Have you ever lost money only to find out that you had just misplaced it? It seems every year when I bring out the winter coats, there are several dollars tucked away in the pockets. Not a bad bonus! I even recall a time looking through an...

Can Dining Out Be a Good Thing?

I’ve made it known that avoiding going out to lunch and packing your own lunch will be very budget friendly. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should parlay your cost savings by going out to dinner, but it could make sense to take a break from cooking at...