The 10 Commandments of Frugality

The 10 Commandments of Frugality

Find yourself downsized or having to live on less? Perhaps you are shifted to maternity leave and must get by on reduced income. Making adjustments takes discipline but if you approach it correctly it actually frees up stress. How To Make Adjustments: First, determine...

The Hidden Costs of Job Hunting

With summer starting up and graduation just behind the last bend hundreds of thousands of fresh-faced young people are out looking for work. If you’re one of these people who have just advanced from “student” to “unemployed person” then here are a few important...

4 Ways to Save $1000 a Year

With it hard to earn a good salary in a still-struggling economy – and even harder to save – Americans are looking to cut costs in every walk of life. And while it may not be obvious, opportunities to cut back linger in the most unexpected places. Get...

3 Debt Lessons from The Social Network

Mark Zuckerberg is intensely private, and not much is known about him. The 2010 movie, The Social Network, attempts to fill in the blanks and follows the Zuckerberg’s creation of Facebook as well as its meteoric success. However, the film portrays Zuckerberg as...