by Jay Soloff | Alternative Investments, Investing Strategy
Nuclear power has had plenty of ups and downs in its history. Yet, while many people are familiar with the industry’s headlines, nuclear power is often overlooked as an investment. Before I get to how to invest in nuclear power, let’s take a look at why...
by Dave Scott | Alternative Investments, Investing 101, Investing Strategy
Could it be that there’s been a paradigm shift in our needs as we head into retirement? Two or three decades ago, seniors could depend on some combination of pension plans, retirement health benefits, social security, income from fixed income investments such as...
by Darnell Brown | Alternative Investments, Economics, Gold Investing, Investing Strategy
Since my earliest days of investing, I have heard arguments about the pros and cons of investing in commodities such as gold and silver. In recent weeks, those arguments have come to the forefront due to speculation about a third quantitative easing (QE3)....
by Michael Barton | Alternative Investments, Economics, Investing Strategy, Real Estate
September 13th: a day to remember The day starts badly for real people. Jobless claims come in 12,000 higher than expected at 382,000. More people out of work, the jobless rate stuck stubbornly well above 8%. Over 25 million people in the US are now out of work or...
by Michael Barton | Alternative Investments, Economics
Before answering the question, I want to review the main factors that dictate the price of gold at any given time. Firstly, if you look throughout history, gold price tends to move counter to the values of other assets. Equities, bonds, and property prices increase...
by Darnell Brown | Alternative Investments
An Angel investor (also known as Angels) is a well to do individual that provides funding for business start-ups in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. If an you decide to become an Angel it is imperative that you are financially well off, because Angel...