Having a baby can be quite overwhelming especially for the parents. All the cuteness often carries them away and they end up spending too much when they could really just save the extra money they’ve spent on unnecessary items. The following tips can help new parents reduce excessive expenses.
Baby clothes
It may be tempting to buy cute clothes for your baby. But make sure to first check if you have hand me downs from your family and friends. You also must’ve gotten a lot of baby clothes as gifts so there might be no need for new clothes after all. You can also go for thrift stores to get clothes in really affordable prices. Don’t buy excessive clothing, buy only the necessary items. Try to ask your close friends and family if they can give you gift in cash or gift cards instead.
With all the different types of strollers it is easy to get carried away and buy the most stylish and expensive one. If you look around, there are high quality strollers out there but with a practical price. Look for ones that are sturdy and safe for your baby, that’s what’s important. Your baby will eventually outgrow that stroller anyway so it’s best to be practical.
Again, there are very good and bad cribs out there. There are also very expensive cribs that may be out of your budget. Take your time in looking around for a crib. What matters most is that it will keep your baby safe and comfortable. Just remember that even if you are on a tight budget, hygiene and safety should not be compromised.
Room decoration
Every parent dreams to have the cutest and most whimsical room for their baby. It may be fun to decorate the room with all the colorful items you see in baby stores. But it would be a waste of money for a room that would be changing very quickly. It’s best to choose decors or furniture’s that are flexible so you can still use it after a few years. Classic designs and colors will probably look best in all situations and reusing items will save you hundreds or even thousands or dollars in the long run.
Yes, your baby might want all of the toys in the toy store. As much as you want to give your baby everything, try to hold back a little bit. There is probably a lot of hand me down toys from your friends or family; so if you’re going to buy new ones, make sure that they are safe, educational, entertaining and inexpensive. Your baby will get tired of his or her toys fast; go for the less expensive ones.
Baby accessories
During the old days, parents were able to raise their children with the simplest objects you can think of. They didn’t use the gadgets that we have now and yet they were able to raise their babies well. Thought techie gadgets may get you thinking that you want one, think about whether you really need it or not. Baby monitors or bottle coolers aren’t really necessary things for your baby. Skips these items and use the money for something else more important such as bottle sterilizers or for an electronic breast pump.
Baby books and magazines
Moms are often looking for new items to read and they often end up buying a bunch of books that if added all together, will equal a couple of hundred dollars. All the things that you read in books and magazines can be seen in the internet for free! All you have to do is type in the keywords and you’ll have a lot of sites to choose from.
Babies, especially newborns, will be using a lot of these. If you try to count it, you’ll realize that newborn babies actually pee 15-20 times a day. What you can do is buy diapers in bulk because the price will be cheaper than buying them one by one.
More on Babies
Health expenses
Having a newborn may get you worried all the time. Yes it’s true that you shouldn’t compromise you and your baby’s health. However, going to the doctor immediately over a little rash might be pointless. It is best to educate yourself about the basic symptoms or cases, to avoid freaking out and to prepare yourself for every situation. Unnecessary visits to the doctor will also save you a lot of money that you can just save for emergency purposes for your baby. Companies that preserve your baby’s organs may seem like a good idea for battling certain diseases such as metabolic disorders or leukemia, but these actually costs a lot of money and most people see this as a waste of money rather than an investment.
Baby insurance
This might get your attention for the fear of your child’s health. Instead of getting this for your child, utilize your money to something more important. As parents, you are obliged to take good care of your baby all the time.
A newborn baby isn’t easy to raise not is it cheap. But that doesn’t mean that you have to overspend for your baby, there are many ways for you to choose from in order to get the most of your money. Spend and make decisions wisely to avoid overspending which may affect your credit score.
About Author:
Shimpy is a financial blogger who loves to share financial tips to manage personal finances, improve credit scores, and monitor credit reports. In her spare time, she also writes about social media marketing.
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