The ways in which remote working can save money and benefit your business
Working from home is rare, but as this infographic from conference calling software providers Powwownow shows, more small and medium-sized companies are opening up to what is known as ‘remote working’. Remote working has a number of benefits for both employers and employees. Employers can save money through not having to spend as much on electricity to power up computers and lighting, spending less on office space and on office equipment that employees would need if they were to work at the office instead of at home.
Employees also stand to gain a lot from working at home. Flexible working hours, not having to spend significant amounts of money and time and being able to do a job even if their employer’s office is several miles away are all good reasons why workers can do their job without having to venture outside their home. Remote working is something smaller companies are opening up to, but those who were surveyed believe that there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out.
The communication involved in remote working is easy enough to work around, but employees are unsure of what works best. The majority of employees who work from home use their mobile phone or e-mail to regularly stay in touch with the office, but some prefer conference calls and instant messaging. However, more than half believe that their job would be made easier if there was a single system which combined all four means of communication available to them.