My Debt Load

Hello and welcome to our blog (  If you checked out my about page or followed my previous personal finance blog Broke Professionals, then you already know that my wife and I have a high debt load.  In fact, we currently owe (including our mortgage) nearly half a million dollars in debt.  The worst part is our student loan debt: that you can only pay off by working.  As they say, you can’t sell a diploma (unless of course you’re a college).

The reason for the quick turnaround with this personal website following the sale of Broke Professionals is simple…when we sold BP, it left a hole in our lives.  All the freelance work and contributing work is great, but there is nothing like having your own webpage.  It equals one place in the world where you can be your own boss and do as you please.

I hope everyone will enjoy this site as much as I believe you enjoyed our prior effort.  You can also follow our journey (although with an emphasis on freelance) over at, our freelance writing/blog creation company’s website, and in our various freelance/contributing writing efforts, which I will highlight from time to time when it makes sense to do so.

Our emphasis with is to be more personal in our postings, and we will try to continue to discuss personal finance issues in innovative ways.

Thank you for checking out our site and with your help and support I am sure will grow into a vibrant online community.  More importantly, I hope you the readers enjoy

Thanks again and I look forward to interacting/continuing to interact with you in the coming months and years.



Chris Thomas, owner of the online freelance writing and web-copy company, FreelancePF. Chris’s interest in personal finance stems from leaving grad school with six figures in student loan debt.