Pay Off Your Mortgage or Invest Your Money?

Should you pay off your mortgage or invest your extra cash? Many young individuals feel an incredible pressure when looking at their mortgage statement. I remember the very first time I went online after buying my first house: the only thing I saw is that I owed...

The Progress of Closing on a House

Today we’re supposed to close on our house. I’m cautiously ooptimistic about it since we had the closing delayed last minutes before. I thought it might be interesting to keep a diary of the day, both as a personal record for us (it’s our first...

Closing is Back On

It looks like we’re back on for the place! We were suppose to close on the town house a couple of months ago, but a required sign-off had to happen and it didn’t. Now fast forward to this week and in the midst of my new temporary work assignment I got the...

Mortgage and Down Payment

My husband and I are in the process of buying a house. Reviewing  several books on personal finance and mortgages,  I’ve been reviewing information on down payments. How Much Should Your Down Payment Be? The direct answer is as much as you can afford.  What can...