How to Improve Credit Score by Using Credit Cards

Getting and maintaining a good credit score is something that is essential for any American who wants to participate in the financial system. Credit scores are used for everything from determining if a person is eligible to take out a mortgage to determining who the...

Finding money for debt repayment

Now that the New Year is upon us, many people are focusing their attention on their goals or resolutions for the year. One goal or resolution at the top of numerous lists? Get out of debt. However, it’s not enough to declare that you want to get out of debt. In order...

Why Consumer Debt Levels Are So High

Debt is a huge problem for many Americans as a ton of people are wrestling with high interest consumer debt. These consumer debt levels are incredibly high currently for a variety of reasons. High Credit Card Debt The biggest reason that people fall into the consumer...

Late Fees – The Plague of Personal Finance

Here’s a true story: Long ago, when I was in college (the late 1990s), people still rented movies from stores like Blockbuster. We didn’t have the convenience or RedBox or Hulu or Netflix or even YouTube. We had to drive to the store, pick out the movie, watch it and...

You Don’t Have to be Rich to Pay Off Debt

There seems to be this false assumption, not only amongst the world of personal finance, but in everyday life, that you have to be rich to pay off debt, and that’s not the case. I know so many people who are hard working, lower-middle class, and have worked...

What Is The True Cost Of Debt?

Debt is one of the big issues that keeps most people from living their financial dreams. It simply limits options. You can’t do as much with your own money if part of it (or most of it) is already earmarked for someone else. That is the true cost of debt. Literal Cost...