Do You Really Need the A/C?

Do You Really Need the A/C?

It’s warming up in many parts of North America, and as consumers stare down an already oppressive electric bill, they may be wondering if air-conditioning can fit into the budget.  Whether you’re hoping to save a little on your current A/C bill or you are open to...

6 Budget-Friendly Baby Shower Tips

Congrats! You’re having a baby (or you are having a shower for someone who is.)  While it’s tempting to go overboard on the cute and cuddly in celebration of the life-changing event, it’s best to keep your head when planning for the baby shower.  Here are essential...

5 Secrets of Warehouse Retailers

Shopping at stores like Sam’s Club, Costco, and other “wholesale” retailers may or may not be a good use of your dollars. Many times, the annual membership costs more than any savings that occur, and most shoppers are tempted to spend more than budgeted for (or...