This year is all about saving money every day while trying to increase your income potential. If you did one thing each day that could save as little as $5 over the course of a year, you could have an extra $1800 in your pocket at the end of the year. Not all of these tips may apply to you, so to keep it fair, not all of them will apply to me.

I apologize for missing yesterday. Instead, you get two tips today. Why did I miss a day? Was I being lazy? Was I sick? Nope, I had the best reason, period. I was out living my advice.

Last night, my husband’s restaurant sponsored a concert highlighting the bands of three of his coworkers. It was incredible. There was a pre-party with free food and beer, and the music was incredible. Tickets were only $5 a piece, but my husband’s restaurant covered all of the employee tickets, and their “plus one.”

There are opportunities that we encounter every day for free entertainment. There are yearly free admission days to museums or national parks. Our local science museum, OMSI, has a monthly discount day.

Google your city with “free entertainment” or “discount entertainment.” You’ll probably be surprised at what you might find.

365 Days of Saving Money: $875 Annually (Running Total)

Andi B.

Andi B.