One of the most recommended investing books is William Bernstein’s Four Pillars of Investing. It is one of my personal all time favorite investing books. A few weeks ago I received my copy of Dr. Bernstein’s new book The Investor’s Manifesto and I must say it exceeded my expectations.

What is The Investor’s Manifesto About?

In short this book is a simpler version of The Four Pillars of Investing; it is an excellent read for all types of investors. Bernstein highlights some of the most basic investing principles: risk and return are related, avoid actively managed funds, do not try to pick stocks, etc. The author does an excellent job in relaying the information to novice investors.

What I Like:
Sound and simple investing advice; In a nutshell, Bernstein makes four simple points: Don’t pick individual stocks, stay away from actively managed funds, remember relationship between risk and return, and invest when times are bad.

Easy Read: Bernstein has managed to keep his books very simple and easy to read.

What I Don’t Like:
To be honest there really is nothing worth mentioning that I did not like about this book, Bernstein is an excellent author and his books are a great resource for investors.

A must read! It does not matter if you are a novice investor or an experienced one, this book is a must read for all. For novice investors this will help you get started off right and hopefully stay on the right track. On the other hand, for experienced investors this can serve as an excellent reminder of the important aspects of investing.




Ray is an ex-financial adviser and the founder of Financial Highway. Currently working in the financial industry and working towards completing his Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA, designation.