I have been asked a few times how I got started in Internet Business. I decided that I would write a series to help others understand and explore if Internet Business is the right thing for them. I will give you my exact method and process. As always, if you have any questions about Internet business feel free to contact me and I will help you.
How I Started:
I wanted to educate myself so I began reading a lot of stuff on the internet, some good and some bad. I quickly learned that there are many ways to earn passive income but I wanted to focus on a few; Google Adsense, Affiliate Income, Advertising, eProducts and possibly membership sites.
I searched and read and read some more. I bought a few books and got myself educated and I suggest you do the same. I categorized the sites I was interested in into two major areas;
- In your face trying to sell you something: examples – Internet Business Mastery and 24 Internet Marketing
- Education sites of people like me who want to share – Smart Passive Income and ManvsDebt
There is nothing wrong with either of these but I wanted to make sure that I was learning. In fact, I purchased a membership to the Internet Business Mastery Academy and found them to be real helpful as they take me step by step through their proven system. I also purchased 24 Internet Marketing which is a great way to understand this whole internet marketing area and can help you get up and running in literately 24 hours.. The sharing sites are more like a community where you can learn from one another to reduce the learning curve. I will be use these sites and products and have them all listed in my toolbox section.
Nothing really more to say here, except that you must take the time to learn to get started. I know that I am not doing everything right but I will learn as I go.
Total time spent learning: 20 – 25 hours (you can do it in a lot less time by contacting me or leaving a comment)
My Plan:
My plan was relatively simple. I decided that I wanted to start a main site that will teach people what I am doing in all areas of my money growing adventures. I haven’t created this site in February and I am getting over 500 unique visitors a month. This site is what is called a “Niche Site” which typically is about one subject. I have a few other niche sites in the works but for now I am focusing on building traffic on this site.
My main site, Financial Highway is about:
- Maximizing Your Career
- Investing, Investing, Investing
- Saving, Saving, Saving
- Creating Alternate Income Streams
But, this post is not to talk about Financial Highway. Review the resources above to get started. If you just want to explore if this is the right opportunity for you then just use 24 Internet Marketing to decide.
In my next post I will write about the steps that I took to get this site up and running.