I saw this at Budgets are Sexy, and he saw it at My Pretty Pennies. Let’s see if we can make it around the blogosphere today. 🙂

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a vet bill for the dog. ($114)
When we lived in Vegas there weren’t fleas or ticks so we didn’t have to worry about it. So now my pup gets one flea bite and ends up with a massive allergic reaction and infection. This week’s vet bill was to confirm his clean bill of health.

2. Today I feel ambivalent towards money.
At the end of the month I may be unemployed. Well, I know I won’t have my current contract job, but I do have several possibilities on the horizon. It makes me want to not spend, and not need money, but at the same time I understand that money is a necessary tool.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was the hot dog eating contest.
My husband’s work sponsored a hot dog eating contest for charity. Afterwards, we sat outside, enjoyed some gourmet hot dogs at $2 each, and I mean GOURMET! We had the Bacon Bleu Cheese Dog, the Chicago Dog, the Chili Verde Dog, and the Chili Cheese Dog made with in house chili and a cheddar cheese fondue, delish!

4. I will consider this week a success if I can focus on what I want to do and create a solid plan.
I have a fledgling business, and I write this blog, and I’ve been having difficulty narrowing my focus into a workable plan. If I can create a decent plan that I can follow-through on, I’ll be excited.

5. My first job was babysitting my next door neighbor for $1.25 an hour.
I remember going to babysitting classes at the local parks and rec to learn infant CPR, emergency procedures, and the whole nine yards. It was fun. But boy I even undercharged then!

Andi B.

Andi B.