by Libby Balke | Budgeting, Saving
For the past two years, my husband and I have survived on a threadbare budget. We’ve said no to dinners out, to new clothes, to unnecessary trips across town. Whenever faced with the decision to spend or save, we always opted to put money away for a rainy day...
by Mike Collins | Planning, Saving
Most people know that if they want to have enough money to support themselves in retirement they need to start saving and investing early. Earlier is better as the magic of compound interest can help turn even small sums into a sizable fortune. Yet many people still...
by Mike Collins | Budgeting, Saving
Like a leaky faucet that slowly drips water, many of us allow money leaks to slowly drip away our savings. An individual leak may not seem like much. But after a few drips here and a few drips there you may be surprised at how much of your money is going down the...
by Jake Evans | General, Saving
With smartphone plans costing in upwards of $100 or more nowadays (and more fee increases likely on the way), it can become almost unaffordable to have one of these swanky phones. We may be coming out of the recession, but anyone who’s looked at car insurance...
by Libby Balke | Home Ownership, Saving
As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, my husband and I are currently in the process of selling our current home and buying a new one. It’s a process that’s been full of more than a few headaches, and – quite frankly – one that I...
by Jake Evans | Debt, General, Planning, Saving
Leave a Comment Just like every other aspect of life, in order to be successful with your money, or at least better with it than you have been, you need to have a plan and set some goals. There exists many ways to go about doing this, from setting...