Whether you’re searching for a job in a new locale or are hoping to move up and away with your current company, moving for work can be an expensive experience. How much it’s all going to cost is definitely worth considering when you’re trying to decide whether or not to take a new position elsewhere, but if you’ve decided you’re read to make the move, you have a couple of options for how to pay for the trip.
- Pay for Expenses Out of Pocket – Although it’s not the ideal way to pay for your moving expenses, paying out of pocket is by far the simplest. If you have the funds to pay for the bulk of it (moving truck, down payments, set up) use it to your advantage. You can always look to your company to reimburse you for the charges later – so keep the receipt! If you simply don’t have the funds and find yourself in an emergency, consider short-term loan options through a payday lender (we recommend the Wonga site.) When you fill the application out online and choose the amount you need as well as how long you need it for, they deposit the funds in your account the next business day so you’ll have the cash you need to pay movers and fees (not the recommended course of action of course but if you’re in a jam). Short-term loans are a great option when the job you’re moving for will be paying you large sums, allowing you to pay them back quickly.
- Ask Your Work for Help – Many companies now have programs to help their employees when they move, especially ones that work within the company and are seeking promotions. Talk with your supervisor or human resources department to see if there are options like this available to you. Some will take care of the expenses outright under agreement that the money will have to be repaid if you leave the company within a certain amount of time. Others will reimburse you, leaving you to figure out the logistics but provide receipts to later be added to your paycheck. There’s nothing wrong with at least checking on the options your company has. It also doesn’t hurt to add moving costs to your salary negotiation – know what you’re asking for and let them work with you to figure it all out.
- Write It Off – Depending on the expense, you may also be eligible to write off your moving expenses when you do your taxes as the end of the year. Consider going to a tax specialist instead of trying to figure it out yourself – you could find yourself in hot water if you do your taxes incorrectly or try to claim something you’re not technically able to. A tax specialist can also advise you as the best way to get the highest amount of money. Again, this doesn’t solve the problem of paying for your moving expenses up front but it can save you huge chunks of change in the long run.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you save all of your receipts. Keep them in a safe place during the move that’s not going to get tossed or lost during the confusion. You’ll definitely need those later!
Cathleen Calabro is a San Antonio based finance blogger, she has written personal finance advice for numerous authoritative websites.