When you have massive debt and your job is on the line, you can feel really helpless.  I work as a young lawyer.  As far as bosses go, lawyers are not always the best.  They expect you to be as knowledgeable as they are–who cares if they have been practicing law 10, 15, or even 30 years longer than you.

It can be frustrating trying your best only to have your work sent back, covered in ink.  I was told the other day by one of the partners that they think I’m a bad writer.  It was devastating.

Having massive debt means you can’t say “take this job and shove it.”  Your boss likely knows it.  You definitely know it.  At what point should you consider starting to look for something else?  When in every other job you’ve always been appreciated, always been told you’re a great employee–how do you now react to that criticism?

How can you do great work when you spend half your day seized by fear of being fired?
So much of what I do and who I am is defined by my job. What would happen if that was taken from me?

Massive Debt—and a Job on the Line

For a sensitive employee like me every harsh word is an arrow.  It hurts my self-condifence.  When you’re an attorney you want to be confident.  A little bit of cockiness is even acceptable.  It shouldn’t rise to Tom Cruise characters in the 80’s levels of confidence, but it should be a quiet confidence.  The kind that puts your clients at ease.  The kind that makes your partners think you’re great even if you make a mistake or two.

So much of life is perception.

Debt is the removal of freedom.  I repeat:  Debt is the removal of freedom.


Sorry I feel beaten down guys, but it’s just frustrating to be in this place.  I usually write a lot of “how to” articles.  Today I’m asking you for your advice.

How do you change your bosses’ somewhat negative perception of you?  Is it better to quit a job at the first rumbling signs or try and stick it out?

What can you do when you’re so in debt you’re barely making it as it is….and now you find out your job isn’t as secure as you thought it was?

What do you do?



Chris Thomas, owner of the online freelance writing and web-copy company, FreelancePF. Chris’s interest in personal finance stems from leaving grad school with six figures in student loan debt.