When the weather is cold, curling up with a couple of hot drinks and staying off the road is usually what you’ll find my husband and I doing. Especially when we’re in New England with unpredictable weather and snowy roads. If sipping something steamy appeals to you, check out these cocktail ideas that are sure to keep you toasty.

Hot Buttered Rum

This recipe for hot buttered rum is particularly decadent. Because the calorie content is so high, I only make it to have on hand for company and special events through the winter months. It stays in the freezer ready to serve with the addition of a shot of rum and a splash of hot water from the tea kettle into your favorite mug. Easy peasy.

Mulled Wine

home made drinkOne of my favorite things to do with boxed wine is to serve it mulled in the slow cooker. As with sangria, it isn’t expected that expensive wine will be used with this beverage, and the necessary additional ingredients are minimal.  A couple of oranges, some sugar, cloves and a couple of cinnamon sticks produce a decent result. If you have some orange juice as well, it wouldn’t hurt to toss a small amount into the mix. The link above has further instructions.


If you’re searching for easy winter cocktails that can be served with a minimal amount of preparation, a snuggler is something that should be included on your short list recipes to try. A cup of hot cocoa with a shot of butterscotch schnapps are the only two ingredients required. The result is something similar to a candy bar you are actually able to sip. If you have friends stopping by, this is a simple way to serve up hot drinks with no advance planning, provided you have the schnapps and cocoa already in your pantry. Calorie-conscious individuals can keep things in check with a high-quality powered cocoa brand that is free of sugar.

Coffee and Baileys

When the hubster and I are curling up for a couple’s cold-weather movie marathon, enjoying a cup of hot coffee with a splash of Baileys Irish Cream is one of our most frequently opted for hot toddy recipes. It’s easy to prepare, since the Baileys acts as both the creamer and the sweetener. The flavor is rich, suitable for a special weekend together, and puts a fun spin on things if you happen to get snowed in by a monster storm.

Hot Tea Grog

Tea is often overlooked when it comes to alcohol-containing hot drinks because many people don’t realize you can use it as an ingredient in cocktails. This hot tea grog is one example, and includes two different shots of spirits.

Entertaining during the winter can be just as casual as backyard barbecues are during the summer months, especially once you realize that not all hot drinks have to be high maintenance for the host.

Myscha Theriault

Myscha Theriault

A lifelong money cruncher who can squeeze a nickel ‘til it cries, Myscha is a syndicated columnist, best-selling author, and founder of Trek Hound and We Be Sharin’.