This is a guest post about pub insurance, something you should get familiar with if you want to open your own pub.
A Pub is a melting pot of people from all walks of life and a fascinating public forum meaning your insurance policy needs to be tailored and unique. Any successful pub should be angling to profit from a constant flow of punters frequenting the premises. The Pub is a prime example of an entirely public arena which comes with certain responsibilities that the owner must fulfil. The responsible landlord must avoid negligence and strive for a safe environment. This can be tricky and a comprehensive Pub Insurance Policy is vital with full Public Liability Insurance.
Public Liability Insurance is a daunting term but it describes a policy that takes care of the business owner when operating a public facing business. Liability can be found everywhere in a culture where compensation claims are prevalent. A trip or fall, a slip, or a cut via a broken glass all bear the serious possibility of a costly claim.
This is why Public Liability Insurance is such an integral part of any Business Insurance plan, especially when it comes to maintaining a public house.
Pub Insurance, or more broadly speaking Business Insurance, should also provide Employer Liability Insurance (a legal necessity for any employer), and it may also include supplements like equipment breakdown and loss of income cover in case your business is rendered uninhabitable whilst a claim ensues.
A comprehensive Pub Insurance policy is essentially an amalgamation of a few of the key policy areas such as Employer Liability, but we must realise how integral Public Liability cover is to the plan. Cover can be as far reaching as around £5m and ensures peace of mind as you enjoy the thrill of hosting a cross section of the general public on a constant basis.
When the public are invited into a pub, the owner must accept that they can be found negligent for a host of mishaps and comprehensive Pub Insurance could serve as helpful ally.