From now through March 31st, get 80% certificates. You can buy a $25 certificate for only $2 to $3 dollars using the promo code TASTY. For the best value, try to pick a restaurant that does not require you to spend more than $35 to use the certificate. Then, when you go to the restaurant, you only pay $10 out of pocket for the meal, plus tax and tip (and of course the $2 you paid for the certificate).
My husband and I always buy the certificates when they are 80% off. It is a great value if you like to go out to eat.
Melissa, a mom to three little ones (ages 7, 3 and 1), blogs at both Mom’s Plans where she writes about living a fulfilling life on less and paying down debt, and Fiscal Phoenix where she writes about rising from the ashes of your financial mistakes.