So my girlfriend was really stressing me that I need to update my wardrobe! Fair enough though, it’s been a while since I’ve been shopping for some new material. As some readers may I already now, I have recently started up my own business and money is a bit tight at the moment! :/

But apparently I was “stressing” for nothing; you can actually update your wardrobe and look great on a budget, a very tight one too. Below are some great ideas that I’ve applied and (some that I still need to apply) to help me update my look and wardrobe while on a shoestring budget;

7 Ways To Look Great On A Budget

Here Are 7 Ways To Look Great On A Budget

Ignore trends

First off, I’d like to stress this one point: Be who you want to be, nothing can make a man look good as much as “confidence”. Make sure you are comfortable in what you’re wearing and happy with the way you look in general.

Thrift Shop

Thrift shops are not too popular in my country so I can’t say a lot about them but the internet seems to agree that you’ll always manage to find some hidden gems you’ll manage to find in there. Also to make things sweeter; buying from thrift shops means you’ll be helping out charities and people in need. It’s nice to “help out”.

Charity Begins At Home

Remember it’s ok to borrow and share clothes from your male family members. Maybe they’ve outgrown them, or have recently lost some weight and their clothes are too big. Maybe they just “updated” their wardrobe and want to clear the old stuff. Take advantage of these items and don’t let them just go to waste.

Use What You Already Got

A $100 jacket is cheaper than a $35 jacket, that is if you already have it. Don’t buy an item just because it’s on a good price, remember that it is not a bargain unless you really need it.

Invest In Timeless Pieces

I often suggest people go for the higher priced item only IF you think it will last longer BUT never overpay. Stuff like coats, shoes, trainers and suits are always worth spending something extra on a product that will last.

Don’t Be Brand Loyal

I just love Massimo Dutti clothes but unfortunately they are out of my price range for now. Do not sacrifice your budgets to keep wearing your favorite brands, it’s not healthy. One thing that led me to financial crisis is when I spent more than I can afford on such luxuries like branded clothing and Apple products.

Look For Clearance Sales Online

Now say you really want an item from your favourite designer; I’d be wise to either wait for a SALE or else check online if you can find it any cheaper. I usually do some  of my little purchases from the men’s section at Amazon and I find most items are way cheaper. (I’m actually wondering now why I don’t purchase ALL my clothes from Amazon)

So there you go fellas, I hope I managed to help “inspire” you to try out some new ways when approaching clothes shopping.

With all that said, if you have the finances for it, there is nothing wrong in shelling out extra money on your looks. These tips are more meant for men who like me, are kind of on a tight budget at the moment.

Looking your absolute great is always a recommendation since it gives us that extra boost in confidence.

Thank you for stopping, I hope you enjoyed the read and make sure to drop me a comment below with your thoughts.

Till next time…..

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Chris Lee Vella

Chris Lee Vella

Hi, I’m Chris Lee. In September 2013 I decided to quit my job to focus on building up my business. Glad to say that till now all is going well and I think I made the right decision but it’s only because I have learned how to properly manage my personal finances.