by a.b.

While I don’t get a lot of direct questions, I get a lot of interesting keyword searches that I will be responding to. If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected].

The truth is I love food. However, I have filet mignon taste on a ground chuck budget, so I’ve had to be creative in the ways I cook shop, and prepare my kitchen. Food is usually the easiest way to make budget cuts. You can eat out less, cook more, change proteins, etc.

For recipes that have been posted on ModernTightwad, click here. Other great resources (and not in any order) are:

Miserly Moms Recipes

Five Dollar Dinners

Pennywise Family

The Hillbilly Housewife

Important things to keep in mind when switching to a frugal eating plan include:

Create a meal plan that allows you to utilize leftovers. This week, we’ll be having pasta alfredo with grilled chicken strips. The next day, we’ll have chicken veggie wraps or fajitas with the leftover chicken.

Allow for flexibility. I try to have a few backup meals that I can make in 20-30 minutes, and the supplies are always in stock. Try sandwich night, breakfast for dinner, quesadillas, etc.

Leave room for ordering pizza. It’s really easy when you’re trying to be frugal, to feel guilty and unhappy when you slip up or need to splurge. I collect pizza coupons so that every once in a while we don’t have to clean the kitchen.

Protein doesn’t equal meat. It doesn’t equal tofu, either. Eggs and cheese can provide the needed protein component of a meal, and honestly, it doesn’t get much better than grilled cheese and tomato soup on a cold, wintry day. At other times, you can always add protein supplement like protein powder to a soup or smoothie.

Budget food isn’t “mac & cheese” anymore. If you’re willing to plan ahead, and experiment a little bit, you’ll do fine.

Andi B.

Andi B.