by Miranda | Credit Score, Debt & Credit
Most of us have made mistakes with our money. But what happens when you make a big, credit-destroying mistake? And it doesn’t even have to be a massive mistake like those that result in foreclosure or bankruptcy. Simply overlooking a utility bill when you move,...
by Miranda | Credit Score, Debt & Credit, Personal Finance for Couples
When you marry, you generally expect to merge your whole life. From setting up house together, to sharing grocery expenses, it seems natural to do as much as you can to streamline your lives so that you are living as one, rather than trying to manage two different...
by Miranda | Credit Score, Debt & Credit
Your credit is one of the most important aspects of your finances. Your credit situation can mean savings — or costs. In fact, poor credit can cost you significantly. And the costs aren’t always in terms of money. While the most obvious costs of poor...
by Miranda | Credit Score, Debt & Credit
Your credit history provides a lot of information that can be used by others to make decisions and judgments. Monitoring your credit ensures that you are prepared for almost any financial situation. If you want to know how others view you, monitor your credit....
by Scott Bryan | Credit Score
Did you know that if you are refused credit, you can find out exactly why under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and even if you do business or work overseas there is similar legislation to allow you to do the same, like the UK’s Data Protection Act and the EU...
by Miranda | Credit Score, Debt & Credit, General Finance
With many students graduating from college, there are thousands of individuals venturing out into the “real” world for the first time. Graduation often marks the first time that young adults begin to make their own money decisions, and begin to understand...