When we are deciding how to choose the perfect roommate we may look for a friend or a family member. We may also place an ad on Craigslist or Kijiji to help us choose the perfect roommate. When we are considering how to choose the perfect roommate we have to consider many factors such as financial means, personal privacy, common interests, living habits, and work ethic.
How to Choose the Perfect Roommate
We want to make sure that our perfect roommate will be able to constantly pay their bills on a monthly basis. We also want to make sure that they respect our personal privacy. It is important to have common interests with a roommate for decorating and aesthetic reasons. It’s also nice to spend time with a roommate outside of the apartment.
Similar livings habits and worth ethics are important because we want to live with a roommate who will share the cleaning responsibilities, as well as the upkeep of the apartment and daily routines. If you are a morning person it may be hard to live with someone who is awake into all hours of the night.
My first experience living with a roommate was less than amazing and it ended a friendship. We were young and away from our families for the first time. When you mix complete freedom with financial responsibility and a couple of boyfriends, things are bound to be a little tense. If we are young we may lack the communication skills to salvage and/or rebuild a friendship. This is why it may be a good idea to set apartment rules and conditions in a roommate agreement.
Choosing the Perfect Roommate with a Roommate Agreement
If you are like me than you love the hit TV Show The Big Bang Theory. One of my favourite episodes is when Sheldon and Leonard examine their Roommate Agreement. Of course due to Sheldon’s narcosis the roommate agreement on The Big Bang Theory is long, detailed, very extensive, and extremely unnecessary.
A basic roommate agreement should include arrangements for visitors and overnight guests, grocery shopping, sharing utilities, the payment of rent, ownership of furniture and other household furnishings. The roommate agreement should also include conditions for breaking any of the agreed upon arrangements in the roommate agreement.
Choosing the Perfect Roommate with Flatmate Finder
If you already have an apartment and you need to choose a new roommate, or if you are moving and need to choose a roommate to find a new apartment, searching roommate websites such as Flatmate Finder is a good place to start. Flatmate Finder is a website that can match your needs with others to help you choose the perfect roommate. Whether you are looking for a room, or you have a room to offer, roommate websites can help you find the perfect roommate in the perfect location and at the perfect price. Other roommate finder websites include Easy Roommate, Roomster, and Roommates.
Here are the previous posts from our Leasing vs. Buying Series:
The Pros and Cons of Buying a Home
The Pros and Cons of Leasing an Apartment
The Pros and Cons of Having a Roommate
Photo by Meggrs