When you are trying to pay down debt, one of the hardest things to do is to stick with it. Getting started can be a huge step, and then once you are on your way, it can be difficult to stay with your plan.

In order to help thousands of people kickstart their debt pay down for the new year, Jeff Rose has introduced The Debt Movement. The goal is to pay down $10 million in 90 days.

Find Education, Support, and even Scholarships

The Debt Movement is partnership between Jeff and the debt reduction site ReadyForZero. If you want to join, you can share how much of your debt you are paying down, and you can find support and educational tools. If you use ReadyForZero as part of your debt planning, your progress will be automatically tracked as part of the program.

The Debt Movement provides a number of educational tools and plans to help you super-charge your debt pay down. There is a forum where you can find support and ask questions. Additionally, you can apply for debt scholarships to be used to help you reduce the amount that you owe. This is a great opportunity for you to take your debt repayment plan up another notch.

Are You Ready to Pay Down Your Debt?

The point of the movement is to help consumers reduce the debt hole that many of them are in. Even if you don’t formerly join the movement, it is still a great way for you bring attention to the fact that you might need to get out of debt.

If you are serious about paying off your debt, here are some tips to help you along:

  • Make it a priority: You first have to decide that getting out of debt is a priority for you. Decide that you want to get out of debt, and that you are willing to do what it takes to reduce your debt.
  • Stop digging the hole: Next, you need to stop spending using debt. Many people say they want to get out of debt, and begin paying down one credit card, but still continue to use other cards. You have to make sure you aren’t using debt at all when you are ready to get out of debt.
  • Create a realistic plan: Look at your finances, and make a realistic plan to get out of debt. Make it a point to put extra money toward your debt each month. Be consistent in following your plan, and you will eventually pay off your debt as you make solid headway toward your debt pay down goal.
  • Find support: You really need some support if you want to succeed with your debt pay down goal. Your family and friends can help you stay on track, or you can find an online community to help you. One of the great things about The Debt Movement is that you can connect others who are in the same boat, and celebrate your progress together.

If you are looking for a way to kickstart your debt pay down for the new year, The Debt Movement might be just the thing. You have until the end of January to enroll.

Tom Drake

Tom Drake

Tom Drake writes for Financial Highway and MapleMoney. Whenever he’s not working on his online endeavors, he’s either doing his “real job” as a financial analyst or spending time with his two boys.