The Seven Stages of Debt Grief

After my wife and I finished all of our many years of higher education, we sat down and looked at how much debt we had to pay back.  It was at this time that the seven stages of debt grief began. Stage of Debt Grief #1: Denial – We felt numb.  We couldn’t...

10 Musings on Time Management, Minimalism, and Clarity

The following is a journal like approach consisting of several mini posts on time management, minimalism, and clarity.   Mini Post #1: Losing Track of Time: It happens to me all the time. I sit down to watch “just a few minutes of television,” or to...

Finding Your Center at Work

Do you overanalyze everything your boss(s) says at work? If you start receiving less work for a little while do you begin to feel certain that you’re about to be fired? If you get a pat on the back for a good job does your whole life suddenly seem brighter?...

Real Personal Finance

Real Personal Finance involves falling down and getting back up.  Forgetting to budget for months at a time.  Spending money on depreciating items and sometimes even items that had no value to begin with. Real personal finance involves debt and over-leveraging...