Games That Taught Me About Money

One of the biggest debated topics in personal finance is how to teach children about money. Do you give them an allowance? Do you pay them for good grades? Do you open a checking account early? There’s a lot of different ways to approach the matter, but one of...

6 Things To Do With Your Tax Return

With a new year comes W2 forms, and it’s time to get a head start on your taxes. Waiting until the April deadline isn’t the best idea. In 2012, we should stray away from procrastination. So as soon as you get your W2 and all of your other forms, you should...

How to Start a Personal Finance Notebook

With the new year comes new habits, and personal finance is going to be a huge area to get rid of bad habits and start good ones. If you don’t know where all your money went, want to keep track of your savings, interested in monitoring your investing, or want to...

8 Things You Should Ask Your Interviewer

When going on an interview, it’s always best to prepare ahead of time. You want to make sure you’re wearing the proper clothing, that you have reliable transportation, your resume is printed, and that you prepare for questions ahead of time, including...