This year is all about saving money every day while trying to increase your income potential. If you did one thing each day that could save as little as $5 over the course of a year, you could have an extra $1800 in your pocket at the end of the year. Not all of these tips may apply to you, so to keep it fair, not all of them will apply to me. is offering 80% off their gift certificates; just use coupon code HEART. Normally, a $25 gift certificate costs $10. After the coupon, this certificate will cost only $2. We used these coupons a lot in Vegas to go to our favorite restaurants that we would have gone to any way. The code expires on February 14th, but your gift certificate purchase is good for a year.
For those of you looking for a Valentine’s day special, you should know it probably won’t work for Sunday. However, it might be great packaged as part of your frugal flowers and frugal jewelry for your loved one, and you can take them out shortly after.
Step 1: Go to, input your location, and see what restaurants are in the neighborhood. If you see a restaurant you go to, or a menu you like, think about buying a gift certificate.
If you want to save even more:
Bonus Savings Step 1: Go to*. Sign up if you haven’t. Go to the link through the ebates website. You will earn 15% cashback on your purchase! Proceed with your purchase as before.
*The link does assign a referral bonus to my account if you are a new registrant.
365 Days of Saving Money: $2415 Annually (Running Total)