Travel can be expensive between hotels, transportation, and entertainment. But even worse, are the hidden travel fees you encounter along the way. It’s frustrating to save for your long awaited vacation, make a trip budget, then get overwhelmed with unexpected costs and fees. Here are 10 travel fees from airlines, hotels, and rental cars that you can avoid on your next trip.


1. Getting a better seat
When you’re booking your plane tickets, you may come across the option to choose your seats. A lot of times, certain seats cost more and add up to $15 on your bill. To save, opt for regular seats.

2. Checked Baggage
Majority of airlines charge you for checking your luggage. If possible, try to just bring a carry on. Reduce the amount of luggage you have by packing outfits you can mix and match and shoes that you can wear with everything.

3. Overweight luggage
If you need more then what you can carry on, you’ll have to check it. Before you head to the airport, check to see what the weight limit on baggage is. Be sure your luggage is less than that to avoid extra fees.

4. In-flight fees
Besides high priced drinks, airlines charge for the little extras you may not have anticipated. They can charge for a pillow, blanket, snacks, and air phones. Bring your own to save.

Rental Car

5. Rental insurance
When I was renting a car a few months back, not only was there an option to buy renter’s insurance per day, but there were several additional options for insurance coverage that sounded like something I should get to be safe. Luckily, before I signed, I called my insurance company and realized I was already covered. Besides your own car insurance, a lot of times the credit card you put your rental car on covers certain things as well.

6. Toll way assistance
When I got in the car, I noticed there was a E-Pass similar to my tollway assistance box. At first I thought, “Great, I don’t have to worry about searching for change with the tolls.” But, when I double checked online, I found there is a convenience fee for using it per day.


7. Parking
I was thrilled to get a deal on my hotel in New York City, but the joy quickly faded when I found I had to pay $30 for parking each day. Be sure you’re aware of any parking fees. Check to see if there’s a cheaper lot nearby you can park in.

8. Wi-fi
Some hotels charge for the Wi-fi usage. Before you purchase it, see if there is somewhere else you can use it for free. Even in the lobby or a nearby coffee shop can get you out of the fee.

9. Fridge
You may be tempted to grab a water or cocktail from the fridge, but don’t. The markup prices are outrageous on in-room items.

10. Safe
Hotels may charge you for using your room safe. Simply ask their policy. Always know what you’re paying for before you pay, and be sure to look at your bill.

Kristen Kuchar

Kristen Kuchar

Kristen Kuchar is a freelance writer and editor who has learned how to save money without giving up a passion for travel, food, and living a fun life. She has written about personal finance for several years and graduated with a degree in Journalism. Follow her on Twitter @KristenKuchar.